‘You will be talking with ALIENS’ Communist time capsule says ET would be here by now


‘You will be talking with ALIENS’ Communist time capsule says ET would be here by now

‘You will be talking with ALIENS’ Communist time capsule says ET would be here by now

A TIME capsule buried 50 years ago by Siberian communists has revealed people at the time believed we would be living with aliens and that humanity would have conquered space travel.

In 1967, locals in Siberia recorded their visions for the future in a time capsule and placed it in a wall in a building in the city of Novosibirsk.

The time capsule has now been opened to mark the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution and humanity has not quite achieved all the capsule predicted. 

The three page letter reads: "We believe that you have masterfully outfitted our wonderful blue planet, the Earth, explored the Moon and landed on Mars, that you are continuing the exploration of space started by the people of the first half of the century and that your starships have been long prowling the Galaxy.”

Since the letter in the time capsule was written, humans have stepped foot on the moon, although there were only six manned missions with the last taking place in 1972, but humanity is yet to make its way to Mars – despite numerous probes being sent to the Red Planet.

However, the message then gets more ambitious, stating that humans will be interacting with species from other planets.

And the time capsule predicted communism would be thriving in 2017.

The letter reads: “We know, our time is interesting, but yours is more interesting. We have built communism, and you are living under communism.”

None of the authors are still living today, but they would likely have been around for the collapse of the communist Soviet Union in 1991.
