“Across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that are to our minds as ours are to the beasts of the jungle – intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic – regard this Earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us… “HG Wells, War of the Worlds

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan

Have we made contact? Are there aliens among us? Will there be full disclosure? Are alien abductions real? What is the purpose of making contact with aliens? Why do we even care?

Since the mid 20th century, the thought of the existence of extraterrestrial life has fascinated humans. Images of little green men, flying saucers, greys, reptilians, ET, fuzzy UFO videos or images from well-known movies like the classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T.,  the Aliens franchise, Independence Day, and poetry in motion Arrival conjure curiosity, wonder, and fear. The classic book and subsequent movie treatments of War of the Worlds, By H.G. Wells, explores humanity’s fascination and the larger existential questions that arise out of the possibilities of alien life.

Carl Sagan was one of the best-known scientists in modern times and an incredibly prolific author and astronomer who wrote extensively on the subject. Some of his works include The Pale Blue Dot ant Contact. He stated that although there may be the existence of other life, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” (Sagan)

The list is endless as to who and what aliens are and their relationship to humans. Many popular TV and movie series have branded into our minds what aliens should look like and how they should act. These images and narratives run deep in our collective consciousness.

In recent years, discussions and online debates question when full disclosure will happen, if contact will or has already been made and the implications to humanity. Some believe the contact was made decades ago and that we have been fed breadcrumbs of information through even mainstream sources, we are simply too distracted by the sea of information to notice.

Clubs, scientists, ufologists and alien abductees devote their lives to investigating the truth. Area 51 has been elevated to the level of mythology and magic as a place where an untold treasure-trove of secrets, skeletons and alien technology is thought to be stored.


Who can forget the event that never quite lived up to the virility, Storm Area 51 which ended up looking more like raver flash mob than some massive exposing of the truth. Dr. Steven Greer recently crowdfunded and Alien documentary called Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind and claims to have made contact and is ready to disclose the truth. David Wilcock has a series called Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia that looks at more current discussions and theories of aliens and extraterrestrial life and contact with earth. Of course, there is always youtube, the modern-day virtual ‘hall of scriptures’, where you can find a labyrinthian maze of information on the subject.

Aliens, extraterrestrials, and U.F.O.’s have run through pop culture and the human psyche since the 1950s. Today, many well-known personalities and programs are often criticized as a pseudo-scientific exploration of how ancient cultures may have come into contact with alien races. Many even believe that ancient alien astronauts have visited this planet during certain periods in history and even been the builders of ancient monuments. There are some surprising critics of this theory. Graham Hancock, who has devoted his life to uncovering information surrounding lost civilization, cautions this hypothesis.

The earliest stories may have come from the Sumerians and ancient Egyptians as interpreted in pictographs and script carved in stone temple walls. Indigenous cultures across the world have spoken of otherworldly beings through oral stories, songs, art and rock inscriptions. The ancients are considered by some to have had contact with aliens such that they inscribed it on temple walls. The fabled Annunaki ‘gods’ that came down and taught the Sumerians and Egyptians the intricacies of their technologies. Many cultures from around the world claim to have references to alien contact and transmission of information from otherworldly sources.

Today, there is a growing trail of evidence, mainly through first-person testimonies of abductees, rogue engineers, scientists and military types citing now-declassified government documents, suggesting that there is no need to continue to search, as we have already made contact and it may very well be that aliens are living among us.

An Alien is something that is not native to a group, region or place. In this case, it means not originating from the natural known life that exists on earth. Aliens have often been associated with more hostile attributes.

An Extraterrestrial is a living organism that originates from a place other than earth. It can be as small as a unicellular being or refer to life forms with intelligence that surpasses humanity.

A UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. Although this conjures images of flying saucers, it may also refer to any military plane, drone, weapon, cameras, or any object that is not known to the public in general.


The Science

Scientists are at odds as to the existence of alien life. While the likes of Steven Hawking and others postulated that there must be aliens, others believe that the vastness of space and universes, and the very nature of realities and timelines, we may never in fact, encounter aliens on a physical level.

Others believe that we have had contact, the governments are well aware and their technologies have influenced our development as a species. Some even believe that we originate from an alien planet or are the result of some alien population operative.

Aliens in the U.S.A.

The US government has had a long and storied history with U.F.O.s, U.F.O. technology and parapsychology. You don’t have to search far for this information. This has resonated with the collective psyche that it is almost blasé to question claims of cover-ups and conspiracies. Conspiracies theories are basically mainstream now. What isn’t as widely known is how the US and other nations, scientists, and academics have been openly discussing or disclosing contact for several years now. A lot of it has been drowned out by the din of social media and the 24-hour news cycle.

There is a complicated and lengthy history of alien and extraterrestrial research and development through the US universities, scientists and governmental organizations dating back to the 1950s. Many countries embarked on their own explorations at the same time. Most notable was the presentation of the Drake Equation, to the formation of SETI, and the exploration of the Kepler Space Mission and Mars Rover and formation of Mars One. Methods of research include the use of telescopes, specimen data, satellite imagery and radio waves to send and receive transmissions. Even more private funds have been poured into these efforts since the early 2000s.

The CIA was forced to disclose documents due to legal action by several groups citing violations of the freedom of information act. The information released revealed that there were over 13 million pages of documents, and 800,000 files, including records of UFO sightings, psychic experiments from the Stargate Programme, that tested psychic abilities and ESP. The program tested the abilities Uri Geller in 1973, a well-known performer of the time, among others.

There were revelations in the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development. One of the stranger findings was a recipe for invisible ink.

Much of this information has been available since the mid- 90’s but is buried and often difficult to access. If you feel like falling down a particularly deep rabbit hole and have time on your hands, here is the link to accessing the records here. You’re welcome.

Many organizations exist worldwide that are devoted to individuals who believe that they have been abducted. They began to emerge in the 1980s. In the US alone, there are more than twelve active organizations. They provide compelling evidence, although most information is anecdotal and tend to follow identical story arcs.

There is an apparent ‘race to space’ to find proof between multiple governments including the NASA in the US and efforts from China, as well as private interests of billionaires such as Yuri Milner, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

The Psychic Perspective

It is important to note that the scientific pursuit of looking for life forms on distant planets is not necessarily a search for aliens unless you consider all biological life not originating from the earth as alien.

The ‘truther’ movement seeks to expose whether or not the governments are hiding the knowledge of alien life and all that it implies is not necessarily how a psychic would view alien life, extraterrestrials, and UFOs. There are many individuals who claim to have been abducted by aliens and have very real and vivid recounts of their experiences that can affect their lives.

From a psychic perspective, in its simplest form, alien energy is a type of foreign energy (energy that is not yours) and the goal is to neutralize it and clear using psychic tools. When encountering alien energy as a form of foreign energy, clearing it is a starting point for gaining clarity to read and heal and experience greater joy in the body. When in doubt, reading the energy to see what resonates as true is another way to come to an understanding of unfamiliar energy. It is always wise to work from your own knowing and information, finding answers that resonate with you.

It is very possible that people who are attuned to their psychic awareness have a personal experience, understanding, and a connection with aliens, Extraterrestrials and UFOs, but it is not always the case and a point of personal exploration, not a general rule.

Some Final Thoughts to Consider

What is the purpose of knowing that aliens exist and may be among us?

How do aliens fit in our development as humans? Perhaps the deeper meaning is that we are seeking escape from our realities, difficult or painful memories or situations, looking to some unknown force to swoop in and decide our fate when we do not feel a sense of power. Perhaps we are seeking divine or otherworldly solutions to real-world problems that plague us. Perhaps there is an instinctive current of desire to self-annihilate embedded within the collective psyche of the human species. There is an aspect of the social, economic, and racial undertones and implications of some of the discussion threads surrounding aliens, extraterrestrials, and U.F.O.s, but it is not within the scope of this post.

At a very basic level feeling alienated in our own body, minds, and spirits in a world that devalues the less tangible qualities of spirit, creativity and the interconnection of life on earth as one living breathing organism may be why we feel such a deep subconscious desire to connect with something from beyond, something that speaks more to who we believe ourselves to be, than what is right in front of us in our current lives. Whether you believe in aliens or not, the notion of life other than what is known on earth is provocative and sparks the imagination.
