Aliens Don’t Visit Earth Because ‘Humans Are Stupid’ And They ‘Hate Grass’


Aliens Don’t Visit Earth Because ‘Humans Are Stupid’ And They ‘Hate Grass’

In news which won’t exactly boost your self-confidence, a top scientist has suggested that aliens haven’t visited Earth yet because they simply don’t see humans as worth the effort.

Although you might like to think aliens would be dazzled by our collective intellect, Harvard astronomer Professor Avi Loeb has reasoned that they haven’t visited yet because ‘humans are stupid’ and they ‘hate grass’.

Indeed, Professor Loeb believes a space object that whizzed by our planet before swerving around the sun in 2017 was actually created by aliens, and could perhaps have been a piece of a spacecraft.

The most common stars in the galaxy are dwarf stars. Most stars are about a tenth of the mass of the sun and they are also twice cooler than the sun so they are red.

They emit mostly infrared radiation and if there is life on planets next to them… that life will have infrared eyes and the grass will not be green on those planets it will be dark red.

So if you think about interstellar travel agents, they will not market the Earth as a desirable destination because for the infrared eyes of most of the creatures in the Milky Way the green grass is not particularly appealing, they want dark red grass so this could be an explanation for Fermi’s Paradox why they don’t come to visit us.

He added: ‘It’s possible that we are not that attractive and we are not very interesting in terms of our intelligence. For some reason humans do not cooperate and that’s really unfortunate, and it’s not a sign of intelligence so I can imagine a much smarter kid on the block.’

Prof Loeb has advised that we humans should now set up UFO detection stations in places where there have been reported sightings, just in case these aloof visitors bother to honour us with their presence. I’m guessing they’ll text us…
