Why Do Aliens Always Have Better Tech Than Humans?

Why Do Aliens Always Have Better Tech Than Humans?

The other day, I was watching a rerun of ‘Independence Day’ with my kids. For all you young’ uns who have never heard about it, it’s a 90’s sci-fi flick starring Will Smith.
My kids were watching it for the first time. The colossal motherships hovering over the cities got them all excited.
My 7-year-old turned to me and said,
“That looks so awesome! But…. WHY do aliens always have cool ships while we humans JUST have small aircrafts?”
Kids give you great fodder for thought always. He got me thinking about the stereotyping of ALIENS in movies and that got me thinking of much deeper stuff.
In most movies, aliens are ancient civilizations, supposedly light years ahead of us in technology YET they always run out of resources and come to loot our Goldilocks planet.
That doesn’t make any sense! If they are so advanced can’t they just create a new energy source?
They have highly evolved brains but it comes at a cost. Those oversized brains make them look so hideous.
Sorry aliens, but that saying- ‘A face only a mother could love.’, doesn’t even apply to you.
