Divided by God, Destroyed by Aliens

Divided by God, Destroyed by Aliens

Inmost alien invasion movies, the Invaders arrive in giant spaceships that are far superior to any aircraft we’ve created. They have weapons that can destroy vast amounts of territories with one surge.
And most importantly, they share a common goal: destroy humanity.
We somehow discover their weakness and prevail over them with our primitive technology because that’s the one thing humans can do when we’re up against the wall, even against a species far superior to our own — we unite, and we win.
But that type of shit is only for movies and books.
If we were invaded by a superior species, they would annihilate us based on one simple, yet effective advantage they have that we don’t… a collective consciousness.

God Wants Us to Be Divided

Let’s start with old, Biblical tale of the Tower of Babel to give us some insight into why we don’t have this sort of unity, at least not anymore.
Supposedly after The Flood, everyone in the world spoke the same language and decided to work together and build a tower tall enough to reach Heaven. Once construction began, God dropped by to see what they were doing and got upset at what He saw.
The story declares that God was displeased at the unity of people and said, “indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.”
In turn, He confused their languages so they couldn’t understand each other and they could no longer work together. Ultimately, the project failed and everyone scattered across the earth, dividing themselves by the languages they spoke.
