Aliens may be HIDING in supermassive black holes

Aliens may be HIDING in supermassive black holes

ALIENS may be living and hiding inside supermassive black holes which is making them impossible to spot, according to shocking new research as a leading physicist suggests there is a point beyond a black hole’s event horizon which may be habitable for life.

Black holes have such an immense gravitational pull that once one reaches the event horizon – the point of no return – not even light would be able to escape from the gravity of the black hole.
However, new research has found that if a civilisation is advanced enough, more so than we are, it could create technology which is able to get past the event horizon yet not be sucked in to the black hole’s abyss.
Russian cosmologist Vyacheslav Dokuchaev at Moscow's Institute for Nuclear Research and the Russian Academy of Sciences said: "We hypothesise that the advanced civilisations may live safely inside the supermassive black holes in the galactic nuclei being invisible from the outside.”
Mr Dokuchaev says that the black hole would need to be rotating that would allow photons and particles inside it to orbit the singularity – the point in a black hole where all mass is contained at an infinitesimally small point.
The cosmologist’s research demonstrates that "living inside the eternal black holes is possible in principle, if these black holes are rotating or charged and massive enough for weakening the tidal forces and radiation of gravitational waves to acceptable level.”
Mr Dokuchaev added: "The naked central singularity illuminates the orbiting internal planets and provides the energy supply for life supporting.
"Some additional highlighting during the night time comes from eternally circulating photons.”
If one were to arrive at the event horizon of a black hole, they would observe a dimension that is more time-like than space-like – something that would be impossible for humans to comprehend.
But beyond that is the Cauchy horizon where once again you would be able to see the space, or physical, dimension.
Mr Dokuchaev says that this is where an advanced alien species could live.
He said: "This internal black hole domain, hidden by the two horizons from the whole external universe, is indeed a suitable place for safe inhabitation.
