Top 10 Evidences To Prove The Aliens Built The Pyramids

Top 10 Evidences To Prove The Aliens Built The Pyramids

One of the most intriguing works of ancient engineering and architecture are the Great Pyramids of Egypt. It is still a wonder that how could the ancient man manage to build something as colossal as the pyramids 5000 years back when there was no technology and obviously no modern tools and machineries. As per the alien enthusiasts, the pyramids were being built by aliens from the outer space. There are many evidences found in the great monuments itself that proves the theory of pyramids being built by the aliens.

(1) The monolith blocks which were used to build the pyramids weight 2 tons each, with some of them weighing as high as 50 ton as well. They did not know the use of the wheels, so how could the ancient Egyptians carry these stone blocks from the other side of Nile River?

(2) The pyramids were built facing the exact magnetic north. Without a compass, which was no way available 5000 years back, it was certainly not possible for the ancient men to be so precisely accurate regarding building the pyramid in such a way.

(3) The three pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex are aligned exactly with the position of three stars of the Belt of Orion. As the science of astronomy would not have been that developed thousands of years back, it has to be the work of aliens who would have the knowledge of the astronomical positioning of the stars.

(4) The perimeter of the Great Pyramid when divided by two times the height of the monument gives a number which exactly equal to pi, and it is matching till the 15th decimal place. Such mathematical accuracy is certainly too hard to be believed as the work of people who had limited knowledge of mathematics.

(5) There are hieroglyphs present in the wall carvings in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos that resembles the helicopter exactly. There are cravings of other modern day vehicles on the same wall carving as well. The hieroglyphic carving includes a submarine, and a spaceship. These vehicles were invented thousands of years after the hieroglyph was made.
