Top 10 Edgar Mitchell Aliens and UFOs Secrets Proof Aliens Are Real

Top 10 Edgar Mitchell Aliens and UFOs Secrets Proof Aliens Are Real
When the whole world is divided on the question of whether aliens are real or not, Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk the moon strongly believed that aliens are real and he had many supporting evidences to prove the same as well.

(1) Edgar Mitchell had never seen a UFO in his life, however, he strongly believed in the fact that most of the UFOs were in fact real and alien contacts have been happening for a long period of time.

(2) The alien spacecraft that had crashed near Roswell in 1947 was actually intended to watch and monitor the developments of mankind in terms of nuclear power. Post world war, White Sands area was used for nuclear testing and that is why the aliens were interested in that area.

(3) Employees who had been working at the White Sands Nuclear testing facility had reported to Mitchell regarding UFO activities which were pretty common in that area.

(4) Mitchell also had met official from three different countries, who had personal experience of alien encounters. From these meetings, Mitchell learnt that the ETs were giving technological knowhow to the US government; however, the evidences of alien contact are being classified by the government.

(5) Mitchell also had conversations with people deployed at much hyped Roswell base, and thereafter he came to the conclusion that alien bodies were indeed there in Roswell, but the government has covered it up nicely.
