Robotic aliens are in hibernation and preparing for a dramatic return to our universe, boffins say

Robotic aliens are in hibernation and preparing for a dramatic return to our universe, boffins say

Aliens DO exist, but they’re lying dormant for a better time
ALIENS could be in hibernation and awaiting the perfect moment to make their return to our universe, Oxford University boffins have claimed.
A team of top academics has suggested extraterrestrials are fast asleep, because the universe is currently too hot for them to function properly.

Aliens DO exist, but they’re lying dormant for a better time
A widely accepted philosophical theory – the Fermi paradox – states that aliens MUST exist somewhere.
So where are they, and why haven’t they been in contact?
A trio of reputable scientists reckons has stepped in to answer this question by suggesting that any intelligent lifeforms out there has probably put themselves into a deep sleep.
This 250,000-year-old 'UFO wreckage' has baffled experts
Something that looks like the famous aliens from Ridley Scott's terrifying Alien films might be lying dormant on a planet far, far away
Something that looks like the famous aliens from Ridley Scott's terrifying Alien films might be lying dormant on a planet far, far away
Oxford neuroscientist Anders Sandberg and AI expert Stuart Armstrong, together with Milan Ćirković from the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia, have released a study which claims civilisations far more advanced than us could have already explored vast areas of the universe.
The idea set out in Sandberg and his pals' paper is that civilisations that are more advanced than us would have worked out a way to ditch their bodies and upload their minds to machines - making processing power the most precious resource.
If the temperature of the universe is too warm, the artificial lifeforms' systems won't work as well.
"Right now, the cosmic background radiation makes nearly everything in the Universe hotter than 3 Kelvin, but as the Universe expands, this background temperature will decline exponentially," write Sandberg and Ćirković on their blog.
"So if you want to do as much information processing as possible with the energy you have, it makes sense to wait.
"It becomes exponentially better."

What are we doing to search for aliens?

Alien hunters at the Search for Extraterrestrials Institute (Seti) have been monitoring the solar system for alien sounds for more than a year.
They believe that by keeping an ear out for radio signals, life forms may get in touch.
And although there has been no contact, their experiments are far from over, scientists claimed.
They are watching a newly discovered solar system called Trappist-1, which has three planets in the habitable zone.
Using the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), which is a “Large Number of Small Dishes” (LNSD) array, they are keeping an eye out.
Billionaire Elon Musk is a fan of the machine evolution theory.
He put forward the suggestion that we're already living in a Matrix-style simulation.
And the Tesla founder wants to plug humans into machines within four years time.
Professional alien hunters are listening out for - and sending- signals into the cosmos in hope that someone will get in touch.
The Search for Extraterrestrials Institute (Seti) has been monitoring the solar system for alien sounds for more than a year.
It might sound utterly bonkers, but scientists are yet to rule out the notion that extra-terrestrials are simply enjoying a deep sleep.
Elon Musk outlines his vision for establishing a human colony away from Earth on Mars
