We’re Pretty Sure Ridley Scott Just Revealed the Next ‘Alien’ Prequel Title

We’re Pretty Sure Ridley Scott Just Revealed the Next ‘Alien’ Prequel Title

Whenever Ridley Scott sits down for an interview, he almost always says Whenever Ridley Scott sits down for an interview, he almost always says something interesting. Just recently, he noted that he may be making Alien prequels until the day he dies, noting that a follow-up to both Prometheus and this year’s Alien: Covenant has already been written. And during a new interview this week, he may very well have just revealed the title of that film!

Speaking with Fandango, Scott talked so honestly and openly about the future of the prequel franchise that Alien: Covenant star Katherine Waterston literally had to tell him to stop talking. Of particular note, when Scott was asked about the next film in the series, he told the site:
There will be another one before we kind of literally and logically, clockwise, back into the rear back head of [the original] Alien. It will go Prometheus, Awakening, Covenant…fairly integral where this colonization ship is on the way….
It would seem, based on these comments, that Alien: Awakening is the title of the already-penned film that Scott will be directing in the future. This is a title we previously had not heard, so it’s needless to say a big piece of news that was leaked by the man himself. What’s even more interesting is that Awakening will apparently take place between Prometheus and Covenant.
Covenant is set 10 years after Prometheus, so that adds up.
Scott later added:
If [Covenant] is successful, and then the next one, and then there will definitely be three more.

Previously, we had heard that Covenant is the start of a new trilogy of prequels, but now it looks like Scott is saying it’s the first of FIVE films that will lead into the events of Alien.
He also noted that none of those films will take place *after* Alien.
In the meantime, Alien: Covenant arrives on May 19.

ALIEN COVENANT via FoxWhenever Ridley Scott sits down for an interview, he almost always says something interesting. Just recently, he noted that he may be making Alien prequels until the day he dies, noting that a follow-up to both Prometheus and this year’s Alien: Covenant has already been written. And during a new interview this week, he may very well have just revealed the title of that film!

Speaking with Fandango, Scott talked so honestly and openly about the future of the prequel franchise that Alien: Covenant star Katherine Waterston literally had to tell him to stop talking. Of particular note, when Scott was asked about the next film in the series, he told the site:
There will be another one before we kind of literally and logically, clockwise, back into the rear back head of [the original] Alien. It will go Prometheus, Awakening, Covenant…fairly integral where this colonization ship is on the way….
It would seem, based on these comments, that Alien: Awakening is the title of the already-penned film that Scott will be directing in the future. This is a title we previously had not heard, so it’s needless to say a big piece of news that was leaked by the man himself. What’s even more interesting is that Awakening will apparently take place between Prometheus and Covenant.
Covenant is set 10 years after Prometheus, so that adds up.
Scott later added:
If [Covenant] is successful, and then the next one, and then there will definitely be three more.
Previously, we had heard that Covenant is the start of a new trilogy of prequels, but now it looks like Scott is saying it’s the first of FIVE films that will lead into the events of Alien.
He also noted that none of those films will take place *after* Alien.
In the meantime, Alien: Covenant arrives on May 19.

ALIEN COVENANT via Foxsomething interesting. Just recently, he noted that he may be making Alien prequels until the day he dies, noting that a follow-up to both Prometheus and this year’s Alien: Covenant has already been written. And during a new interview this week, he may very well have just revealed the title of that film!

Speaking with Fandango, Scott talked so honestly and openly about the future of the prequel franchise that Alien: Covenant star Katherine Waterston literally had to tell him to stop talking. Of particular note, when Scott was asked about the next film in the series, he told the site:
There will be another one before we kind of literally and logically, clockwise, back into the rear back head of [the original] Alien. It will go Prometheus, Awakening, Covenant…fairly integral where this colonization ship is on the way….
It would seem, based on these comments, that Alien: Awakening is the title of the already-penned film that Scott will be directing in the future. This is a title we previously had not heard, so it’s needless to say a big piece of news that was leaked by the man himself. What’s even more interesting is that Awakening will apparently take place between Prometheus and Covenant.
Covenant is set 10 years after Prometheus, so that adds up.
Scott later added:
If [Covenant] is successful, and then the next one, and then there will definitely be three more.
Previously, we had heard that Covenant is the start of a new trilogy of prequels, but now it looks like Scott is saying it’s the first of FIVE films that will lead into the events of Alien.
He also noted that none of those films will take place *after* Alien.
In the meantime, Alien: Covenant arrives on May 19.
