Proof of ET? The 'network of alien beings living among us on Earth'

Proof of ET? The 'network of alien beings living among us on Earth'

Real Aliens Are Living Among Us! Are You One Of them | New Mystery

IF YOU can feel something in the air now we are in the first day of spring, it might not just be the bleating of new-born lambs.

10 Alien Races in Contact with Earth Believe it or Not

That is if you believe a growing number of online communities anyway.
Humans are gradually transforming into a highly evolved species of peace-loving aliens is sweeping the internet, according to a bizarre theory with some claiming the Spring Equinox is a focal point with increased numbers of people "ascending".
One is L'Aura Pleiadian, who runs a number of websites and blogs registered in Canada and the US, explaining to people how to "ascend to the higher dimension," and claiming to be an alien being who was also a resident of the legendary city of Atlantis.
She claims to be a delegate for the Pleiadian race of aliens on Earth.
She tweeted that there were "rapid changes" underway on Earth at the time of this year's equinox, which begins today.
In a posting on her blog site the, which which registered through a private proxy web hosted in Arizona, USA, entitled Spring Equinox 2016 - Rapid changes, she wrote: "Changes are taking place so rapidly now, many are not able to even recognise the changes yet. 
"As the Momentum increases, the integration also, takes place on many levels of awareness and throughout all incarnations. 
