Earth Is No Prison Planet!

Earth Is No Prison Planet!

Halt that metaphor! The idea that Earth is a prison planet is great as a myth but as a cosmology, not helpful. It works to communicate the chronic ache of alienation and isolation but can only exacerbate those aches if it becomes the driver of the narrative. Calling to our deepest longings for freedom and rescue, the idea of the prison planet connects on many levels our hopes, wishes and fears … and animosities.
The image goes back to Plato’s Cave. Plato rightly uses the image of being imprisoned as a metaphor to describe limited perception. It is ground breaking concept to convey the idea of limited perspective–very apt for the shift to the Greater Community perspective, no? How better to describe enlightenment to the unenlightened?
This use of the idea of existence as a prison goes further back when seen in the idea of samsara where the goal is escape from this plane. The image is rich, adaptable and persuasive.

David Icke could well be talking in the same terms as Socrates, not confusing metaphor with reality, except for the heavy influence of the idea of the prison planet as the driver for Icke’s vision and work. An indicator for confusion of levels is when the myth is the one driving force at all times, the only point to all discussions, the explanation for everything.
