One of the biggest controversies that have been debated between conspiracy theorists and even the common individual who does not buy into conspiracies is whether aliens of any kind truly do exist. UFOs and aliens have commonly been used in unison to try and prove that aliens to exist and that they are watching the Earth and the humans that inhabit the planet.

There is inconsistency in that, though because no one has truly proved an alien is inside of a spaceship or aircraft and government have commonly been known to be involved in anything that involves a UFO. They are known to instantly try and mitigate any videos of pictures of UFOs by stating that it is simply their military forces who are testing out some new technology that they have come up with. This has repeatedly been proven to be a cover up of some sort and is indeed false, which could lead to the idea that government and aliens may, in fact, have some connection or bond with each other. However, this is an entirely different story. The real story is the idea of whether aliens have existed and have ever been on the planet Earth ever. These have continued to be questions that have remained unanswered and ultimately ended up in the same result of it being in the eyes of the beholder. However, this common saying may no longer need to be applied. Aliens are believed to have existed, and the whistle has been blown on this idea. One prime minister from Canada has come out and spoken about these unanswered questions, and he has provided a fascinating and revealing revelation about aliens. Paul Hellyer presided over Canada during the 1960s when the Cold War was taking place and was a key cog in creating the Canadian Forces in a time where a solid and powerful army was needed. He also was the highest ranking official for the department of defense in Canada, which is unique in that he was also the prime minister of Canada, so this man was no slouch when it came to governing a nation and trying to run a country that was in the midst of a devastating war occurring. Despite his governmental knowledge, he was also known to take an entirely different direction and talk about the issue of UFOs and aliens. One of the things that the prime minister came out and said was that there had been at least four known alien species that have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years. Once Hellyer retired from running Canada, he began to take an entirely different route and began to blow the whistle on those who shot down theories about UFOs and aliens. He has used his power to actually receive public support from government entities from across the world who was more ethical and come out with the truth that there are in fact extraterrestrial beings and aircraft in the sky. Public documents from government agencies have also come out supporting the opinions of Hellyer. He has also received support from several high ranking military officials about the whistleblowing that Hellyer has been doing since he retired. Hellyer states that some agencies used to invest time and money into trying to track down and find aliens as well as UFO sightings that had been reported, so this isn't just him suddenly grinding an ax. Hellyer states that during the time of the Cold War there was a 50 UFO formation that had taken place in Europe. Agencies heard about such and investigated the situation. The final result indicated that they were aliens and that at least four alien species have been roaming the Earth on and off for thousands of years. He states that these aliens come from a variety of different stars in the cosmos. He finally ends by saying that these aliens have been trying to tell humans to watch out for danger in the future, but humans instead took it as a threat and therefore were on the offensive against these species.
