Alien Franchise 2017-2018

Alien Franchise 2017-2018
Being a fan of most things made by Ridley Scott, I'm excited about the future of the Alien Franchise.
There are two branches of the franchise, the one prior to Alien (1979) which begins with Prometheus (2012) starring Noomi Rapace. The second is of-course Alien itself, with Sigourney Weaver

Prometheus 2 or rather Alien Covenant is made by Ridley Scott and stars Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace. Due to be released August 2017. It will follow the events of the first prequel. 
An untitled Alien (5) is upcoming starring Sigourney Weaver who is reprising her Ellen Ripley role. 
Neil Blomkamp is directing for a release in 2017-2018. James Cameron (Aliens 1986) have been consulted for the movie, so expect a Marines Corps continuation with Bill Paxton starring beside Weaver, once again. Looking forward to those two sides of the same coin. 

On the different aliens found in both films, this infographic might be of help:
Signing-off notes -
Which of the two films are you most excited about?

Did you try the Alien Isolation video game?

In waiting for the Alien Franchise movies to come out, have you tried the SyFy Channel TV-series The Expanse? It's a good fit for the genre, I think.
